afterlife, Beside, Billfold, black ramstein, Bloccalito, Bloodsaw, borock, bunkerboob, Burgerkill, Buux Frederiksen and The Bangsat, Byebye Bunny, Chililineska, Coffee Reggae Stone, crossfire, d'lady rock, Dead WIth Falera, Dislaw, Don Lego, dream fiktif, Errorcrew, eulogy, fire skate, gendar pecel, girlzeroth, gloria, Gore Infamous, Goregom, guardian angel, hawasake, Humiliation, Inkmary, Jasad, jesse jems, Killa The Phia, kraken, kurang gizi, Last Goal Party, Last Kiss From Avelin, Lets Goo, lore from thread, Marjinal, memories of last morning, Mortality, Mortusia, Muck, murka, Mustika Kamal, Nectura, Oki Fadhlan, osaka, overhead, Pas Band, Pascodex, pigphobia, Prosatanica, Putra Pra Ramadhan, raja langit, reignator, Remember Of Today, remember party, ressus, Restless, Revenge The Fate, Rocket Rockers, Rosemary, Rudal, Sahara, saritme, Scimmiaska, Scream Of Vexia, secret of novels, senator, Sir Iyai, Stand Here Alone, Sunrise, syahdat, Taring, Tcukimay, Tipe-X, trilogi, Undergod, victim of change, Walker, wiragora, xenochrist, Xtab
5 March 2017
United Day V
Venue: Lap. Yon Zipur, Ujungberung
State: West Java
Country: Indonesia